Clusters page



What are Clusters ?

Clusters are groups of specialised enterprises – often SMEs – and other related supporting actors that cooperate closely together in a particular location.  In working together SMEs can be more innovative, create more jobs and register more international trademarks and patents than they would alone. The EU Cluster Portal provides tools and information on key European initiatives, actions and events for clusters and their SMEs with the aim of creating more world-class clusters across the EU.



Why do Clusters matter?

Clusters operate together in regional markets.

38% of European jobs are based in such regional strongholds and SME participation in clusters leads to more innovation and growth.
There are about 2000 statistical clusters in Europe, of which 150 are considered to be world-class in terms of employment, size, focus and specialisation.


What is the European Commission doing ?

The 2014 Communication, 'For a European Industrial Renaissance'  highlighted clusters as being able to facilitate cross-sectoral and cross-border collaboration, helping SMEs to grow and internationalise. The Commission is launching several initiatives underCOSMEandHorizon2020to support SME innovation and growth through clusters.

Related initiatives(167 kB)


Cluster videos(172 kB)
