An annual conference on Clusters titled “CLUSTERS AS DRIVERS OF VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE DANUBE REGION” is foreseen to take place in Romania, Galati, on 5 and 6 October 2016, in the premises of the Botanical Garden. This year’s thematic focus will be on bio-economy. Danube-INCO.NET will be represented by Jürgen Raizner, Steinbeis Danube Center, who is invited to present solutions and models to strengthening competitiveness in Romania - and in Danube Region.
- Event date: October 5-6, 2016
- Posted on: 29.08.2016
- Botanical Garden Galati, Galati,
- Romania
Website: Link
Contact: GermanyThe EUSDR Coordination Unit in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is among the organizers of the event, together with the Romanian Cluster Association (CLUSTERO). The conference will contain a dedicated panel on the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region.
Brokerage Event B2B, C2C
In addition to the high scientific and informative character, the conference will also have a strong practical side facilitating bilateral business meetings between participating national and international companies and clusters via the brokerage event session conducted with the support of Enterprise Europe Network.
We invite you to register for the brokerage event by visiting
Promotion offer
The conference offers you the opportunity to promote your products, technologies, services and skills at international in order to achieve strategic partnerships within the Danube Strategy. Partnerships within Horizon 2020, COSME, and INTERREG Danube are also envisaged. A dedicated time for visiting the stands is included in the conference program.
Please refer to the attached promotion offer for further details available also at
Useful information
The conference will be held in English, and the participation is free of charge. Registering in advance is necessary.
Please register for the conference by completing the registration no later than 15 September 2016. The conference registration form is available at
Please register for the B2B and C2C brokerage event by completing the registration form no later than 15 September 2016.The brokerage registration form is available at
Useful information concerning the venue and accommodation in Galati can be found at
Should you need further details or any other information, please contact Mr. Flaviu Iorgulescu, T. +40 723 531741, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..