Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2018
The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of OSCE participating States is Europe's largest annual human rights and democracy conference. It is organized every year by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) as a platform for the 57 OSCE participating States, the OSCE Partners for Co-operation, OSCE structures, civil society, international organizations and other relevant actors to take stock of the implementation of OSCE human dimension commitments, discuss associated challenges, share good practices and make recommendations for further improvement.
Based on OSCE Permanent Council decision 1295 of June 2018 on the dates and topics of the 2018 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, the 2018 meeting will take place in Warsaw from 10 to 21 September 2018.
The meeting takes place in Warsaw from 10 to 21 September 2018, with two sessions scheduled per day. Please consult the schedule in the Draft Agenda.
There will also be side events organized every day by the participants of the meeting (please see the side events section below). The schedule of side events will be available on this website prior to the event.
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