Healthy Ageing – Public Procurement of Innovations

The HAPPI project was launched in 2014 and it was the first cross-border public procurement in the European healthcare sector. It established a long-term collaboration between healthcare purchasing organisations across Europe to identify "ageing well" and innovative health products, services and solutions and put in place procurement contracts for the benefit of healthcare organisations.
- The public need which prompted the initiation of the HAPPI project;
- The advantages of cross-border procurement;
- The HAPPI platform where suppliers, SMEs or other organisations can submit information about their innovative solutions;
- Advice based on the lessons learned throughout the innovation procurement process; and
- Much more …
ROVEST Cluster - S.N. - S.E.A.P.
HAPPI links European health public procurers to detect and purchase innovative and sustainable solutions which will improve ageing well.
"Ageing well" in health institutions is an area where innovation does not currently have a high profile, due to lack of promotion or lack of perceived value. Nonetheless, the stakes of ageing well are high, both for institutions and for manufacturers.